
Team EcoLixo at the Concurso Eco-Louco

The Selway family won the originality category, in the Concourso Eco-Louco with their vehicle made from old scrap found in the garden which Doug Selway cut and welded into a 3 wheeled bicycle (forward and back steering) and lena Selway made the structure completely out of layers of newspaper with 1 layer of cereal boxes in the middle.

Carlos Guarda de Cadeia made a documentary about this creative family.

The Selway family won the originality category in "the most eco-crazy transport ever competition". on the European car free day in Tomar. In this video you will se the whole story!

This video is shot with a Zoom Q3HD by B.C.S. for Portugal Prankish Puppets.

Music in this video by Producer C.P.Bryan (royalty-free licensing @ freesoundtrackmusic.com)

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Carlos Guarda de Cadeia reports from the Estátuas Vivas Festival at the town of Tomar. He is trying to ask questions but the young generation of living statues is taking their job seriously.....